LUKAS-ERZETT德国全球销售总监Timo Winter祝贺《研磨》杂志创刊百期
LUKAS-ERZETT德国 全球销售总监、LUKAS中国总经理——Timo Winter ,祝贺《研磨》杂志创刊百期。
It is a great honor to be invited to the celebration the 100th publish of “China Abrasives”. “China Abrasives” is a very important professional magazine in China who has been making continuous efforts to share market information quickly and comprehensively with manufacturers, distributors and consumers. This is a phenomenon work what was especially important in the years when information was not so fast shared as today.
At the same time, “China Abrasives” also provides a convenient and effective platform for foreign brands like us to enter and understand the Chinese market. Today the digitalization of the magazine is also a huge innovation in this industrial what makes information sharing faster and wider, this is quite important for the complex coming years.
I wish “China Abrasives” would achieve more milestones in the next future and should get more successes.We are almost new here in China and looking forward a further cooperation with “China Abrasives”.
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